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TTTG Australian Tool Makers

This web page provides a guide to information on Australian manufacturers of all types of tools, covering all trades, and including power and hand tools. This covers an enormous range of tools, so the page is developing over time. TTTG looks forward to readers contributing material to build a source for those interested in Australian tools.

ManufacturerBrandsProductsDates OperatingLocation
Carter Tools Pty LtdCarterPlanes, vices, clamps, etc.
Ref: Semmens for plane information.
HTPAA product illustrations and General info
Late 1940's to c.1960Sydney (various locations)
DAWN TOOLS & VICES Pty LtdDawnEngineering tools, see company web site.
Catalogue entries.
Photos pre-WW2 products
1917 - CurrentHeidelberg, Victoria
 FraserSaw Sharpener1950's - 1960'sMelbourne
R. V. RiderRidex Marking GaugeMarking Gauge< 1948 - ?24 Illawarra St. Allawah, NSW
E Esdaile (may be E Esdaille & Sons)E Esdaile MakerParallel Rule?Sydney
B Smith & SonsB Smith & SonsScale Rule?Melbourne
Digadoo Stainless Steel Garden ToolsDigadooHigh quality garden tools, fully manufactured in Australia1995-CurrentSouthern Highlands of NSW