Category Index
Dealers in Antique Woodworking Tools
Woodworking and Metalworking Online Stores
TTTG in the Media
- Wood Dust Masterclasses
- YouTube: Bob Crosbie on 2015 WWW Show
- Article on Vintage Tools at
Clubs Dedicated to Tools
- Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia
- HTPSWA: Hand Tool Preservation Society of Western Australia
- Sydney Woodturners Guild Inc.
- Ambacht & Gereedschap (TATHS Netherlands)
- Early American Industries Association, EAIA, Antique Tool Collecting and related information
- Mid-West Tool Collectors Associations
- CRAFTS: Collectors of Rare And Familiar Tools Society (New Jersey)
- PAST: Preserving Arts and Skills of the Trades (California)
- PATINA: Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association, Inc. (Washington D.C.)
- An internet Magazine concentrating on hand tools, their makers and their markings.
- The Oughtred Society
- Missouri Valley Wrench Club
- The New Zealand Vintage Tool Collectors Club
- Pacific Northwest Tool Collectors (British Columbia, Oregon and Washington)
- Tools and Trades History Society (TATHS United Kingdom)
- Australian Blacksmiths Assocation (Vic)
- Kiama Woodcraft Group Inc.
General Interest
- NSW Woodworkers Association
- The Stanley Bench Plane Page
- The Electronic Neanderthal -- Traditional Woodworking Resources on the Web
- The Superior Works -- Patrick Leach's Web Site
- The Superior Works -- Patrick Leach's Stanley Blood and Gore
- Fine Woodworking - Traditional Craft Of Woodworking
- The Fine Tool Journal
- Union Hill Antique Tools - A Beginner's Guide to Collecting Antique Tools
- The Hawley Project
- The Biblical Wood Shop
- Museum of Woodworking Tools
- Interpreting the Function of Stone Tools
- Hyperkitten Tools
- Alburnam's Archive -- A collection of essays and topics on traditional woodworking and antique restoration
- A Guide to Honing and Sharpening
- Historic Pigments, Dyes, Glues, Adhesives and Cements
- Hand Tools in History
- Plane Irons on Test
- Disstonian Institute
- Tony Ward -- A maker of fine wooden sculptured boxes in Australian Timbers
- The Saw Set Collector's Resource
- The Federal File Company
- 1967 Stanley Repair Catalog
- WK Fine Tools in New Mexico, USA
- The Wrenching News
- The Index of Fossil-Fuel-Friendly Woodworking Knowledge
- Sharpening Made Easy
- Willoughby District Historical Society Museum
- Water and Oil Stone Sharpening Systems from Norton
- The Society for Industrial Archeology
- Blood and Sawdust
- The Beautiful Iron
- Record Hand Planes
- Knife blade materials -- Work comparing various knives to summarize the information gathered on blade materials
- Mullumbimby Woodworks - Keeping the Tradition Alive!
- Record Tools
- Those who are interested in woodworking -- information architecture and furniture design
- Jim Davey's Plane Sharpening Service and Instruction
- Rob Cosman Hand Tool Coach
- Workbench Design
- Sturt School of Wood
- Tools for Working Wood
- Cornish Workshop -- An interesting musing from the workbench of a woman living in Cornwall England
- Power tools made in Australia
- Making a plane handle for a Shooting board -- From the Cornish workshop
- In the Woodshop
- Pictures of the Hendey Factory from 1943
- Steam Powered Whims
- Mouldings in Practice
- Green Woodworking with Greg Miller.
- Friends of Linnwood
- International Tool Catalog Library
- Woodworking Tools
Dealers in Antique Woodworking Tools
- Hans Brunner Tools
- Dealer in Antique & Quality Old Woodworking Tools by Tool Bazaar
- Vintage Saws
- Tools 'n Rules - Antique Tools
- Second Hand Tools, England
- The Fine Tools Journal
Current Tool Makers
- HNT Gordon
- Knight Toolworks
- Clark & Williams
- Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Home
- St. James Bay Tool Co.
- Vesper Tools
- Cariboo Blades
- Harold and Saxon Chisels
- Micheal Connor Woodwork
Magazine Web Sites
- Australian Wood Review
- The Australian Woodworker and House & HOME
- Australian Wood Artisans Promotions
- Cabinet Making, Publications, Plans, Forum, and more
- Fine Woodworking -- The Taunton Press
- Wood Magazine
- Australian Wood Smith
- Popular Woodworking Magazine
Woodworking and Metalworking Online Stores
- The Wood Works Book and Tool Co
- The Wood Works - Books, Publications and Video
- Lee Valley Tools & Veritas
- Garrett Wade
- Woodcraft Supply Corp
- McJing Tools On-line
- Alan's Factory Outlet
- Hare & Forbes Machinery House.